Religious Studies-6 Assignments

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Sadlier - Page 329 in Google Classroom

Sadlier - Page 329

1. Study page 329 - The Holy Days of Obligation, and The Precepts of the Church. There is no assignment for this task. Your Social Studies work this week will also count for Religion. I will post this on Monday evening.
2. Reminder: Zoom Class on Monday - Follow link posted on May 21st. Know The Mysteries of the Rosary.


The Mysteries of the Rosary in Google Classroom

The Mysteries of the Rosary

1. Please study the Mysteries of the Rosary. We have mentioned them in class. Memorize them. You should know them for next Monday's Zoom class. See page 327.
2. There is no written task to submit this week.
3. Some students are still missing work. I have emailed you about this. Please submit the missing tasks.


Works of Mercy - Page 329 in Google Classroom

Works of Mercy - Page 329

As a member of the Church, you are called to continue the ministry of Jesus. Write an essay showing how the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy can be used to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. This will be due on Wednesday. It should be typed, and submitted in a Google doc via Google Classroom.


Religion-SS grade 6-Zoom in Google Classroom

Religion-SS grade 6-Zoom

John Mulvey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Religion -SS - Grade 6
Time: May 18, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 9146 8995
Password: 9ZLQpW


Unit 4 Assessment in Google Classroom

Unit 4 Assessment

1. Complete pp. 313-314 - (1-20). Submit your answers in a Google doc via Google Classroom. This will be due on Friday, not Thursday.


Chapter 25 - page 294 in Google Classroom

Chapter 25 - page 294

Please complete page 294 - 1-10. Your answers should be typed. Answers should be submitted in a Google doc through Google Classroom. This is due on Tuesday.


Chapter 25 - Themes of Catholic Social Teaching - pp.290-291 in Google Classroom

Chapter 25 - Themes of Catholic Social Teaching - pp.290-291

1. Please pray for those who have passed away during this pandemic. The month of May is devoted to the Blessed Mother.
2. There are seven themes listed on pp. 290-291. For this assignment, you are asked to select two of them , and explain how this theme has been evident during the Pandemic. Your essay should have four paragraphs, and it will count for both Religion and Social Studies. Your essay should be typed in a Google doc, and submitted through Google Classroom. Don't send it through an email to me. Below is a format for your essay.
Paragraph 1 - Introduction, Paragraph 2 - Theme #1, Paragraph 3 - Theme #3, and 4 - Conclusion. Reach out if you have any questions! Please be safe!


Chapter 25 - The Bible and the Church Today in Google Classroom

Chapter 25 - The Bible and the Church Today

1. Please say a prayer for all those who have died from Covid 19.
2. Read pp. 284-287.
3. Write a paragraph explaining the following question: Why is the Bible an important guide for Christian living? Your paragraph should be typed, and you should make reference to the material mentioned in the text. This will be due on April 28th. Submit your assignment in a Google doc.


Chapter 24 - The Church Begins in Google Classroom

Chapter 24 - The Church Begins

Read Chapter 24 - pp. 272-279. Underline the important facts in each section. You have two days to complete this assignment. Complete page 282 1-10. Your answers should be typed. This should be submitted on Wednesday. Happy Easter Season! Happy Spring!